Other Hemorrhoid Treatments

There are two types of hemorrhoids (often also called “piles“):

Internal hemorrhoids are swollen veins inside the rectum that form in an area where there aren’t any nerve endings. When internal hemorrhoids become enlarged, the tissue may protrude out through the anus causing symptoms such as itching, bleeding, and swelling. The level of protrusion indicates the degree of severity.

External hemorrhoids often occur as bulges or lumps around the anus. Because of the sensitive nerves in this area, these abnormal vessels are often painful, especially when sitting. If an external hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed, it may even cause severe pain.

How do our doctors treat hemorrhoids?

There are several effective treatments for hemorrhoids. One of the most proven and pain free procedures is the CRH O’Regan System as it take less than a minute to perform and there is almost no post procedure pain or recovery time. The CRH O’Regan system is a hemorrhoid banding, or rubber band ligation procedure which is a fast, effective, nonsurgical approach to hemorrhoid treatment. Unlike a hemorrhoidectomy, it doesn’t require fasting or sedation. There is also no downtime involved and significantly less costly than surgery (it’s covered by most insurance plans). Unlike home remedies designed to provide temporary relief, banding completely treats hemorrhoid symptoms in a matter of moments – and it’s a procedure that’s 99% effective.

Other hemorrhoid treatments include:

Creams and Home Remedies

Hemorrhoid creams can be good in providing temporary relief during a flare-up, however, they just temporarily alleviate discomfort like burning, itching and inflammation without getting to the root of the problem.


As mentioned, a hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids. Typically a hemorrhoidectomy is only needed for the most severe cases. Types of surgical treatments include:

  • Conventional surgical hemorrhoidectomy
  • Stapled hemorrhoidectomy (PPH)
  • Doppler-guided Ligation of Hemorrhoidal Arteries (THD)

With any type of surgery there are severe risk factors involved which is why the CRH O’Regan System, non surgical approach is highly sought after by Oakland County residents.

Infrared Coagulation (IRC)

This is a procedure that uses hot infrared light to treat small or mid-sized hemorrhoids. As the treatment tends to be more superficial, often times multiple procedures are required and the wait period between treatments is usually 90 days.

Ultroid Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment

This is a procedure where a probe is introduced into the anus through an anoscope which uses dc electrical current (“direct current”) to cause the hemorrhoid to scar and shrink.

Sclerotherapy: Chemical Injection Treatment

This treatment involves injecting a chemical through an anoscope into the hemorrhoid tissue, causing it to scar and shrink. Sclerotherapy is rarely practiced today because it has a high potential for complications compared to more safe and effective procedures, like rubber band ligation.

Common Other Hemorrhoid Treatments:
Treatment Details Average Time Recovery Time
CRH O’Regan System Placing a band in an area without any nerve endings using a disposable device with gentle suction 30 seconds – 1 minute 0-1 day
Conventional Rubber Banding Banding using clamps/metal-toothed forceps 5-10 minutes 0-3 days
Infrared Coagulation (IRC) The use of hot infra-red light to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid 30 seconds – 3 minutes 0-1 day
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery using a circular stapler device that interrupts circulation of the hemorrhoid 15-90 minutes 1-10 days
Conventional Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery involving clamping, tying off, and cutting hemorrhoid tissue away 45-90 minutes 10-14 days
Over-the-counter creams and medications Relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids but do nothing to address the hemorrhoid itself, often resulting in symptom recurrence Ongoing N/A

If you think you have hemorrhoids, be sure to contact us for a consultation and accurate diagnosis.

Schedule your consultation today

Fast & Effective

The procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is painless and typically no pain medication is required after the procedure.

Covered by Insurance

The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

This non-surgical procedure has been performed over 800,000 times on patients across the country.

Call Us Today (248) 537-2322

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Patient Testimonial

Every time a bout of hemorrhoids flared up, I knew I was in for 10 to 14 days of pain, bleeding, itching, and plenty of creams or suppositories. The procedure was not only painless but it put an instant end to my discomfort. I’m just sorry I didn’t do it sooner.